
Revision as of 19:05, 17 January 2022 by Tore (talk | contribs) (‎Changed claim: wikidata:Special:EntityPage/P7014: https://takenode.org/certificate?id=3d517857-5c27-458d-8b2a-7c1ac33ac92b)


P31 (Deleted Property)
work of art Property P31 not found, cannot determine the data type to use.
1 reference
P854 (Deleted Property)
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q838948 Property P854 not found, cannot determine the data type to use.
P7014 (Deleted Property)
https://takenode.org/certificate?id=3d517857-5c27-458d-8b2a-7c1ac33ac92b Property P7014 not found, cannot determine the data type to use.
1 reference
P1065 (Deleted Property)
https://web.archive.org/save/https://takenode.org/certificate?id=3d517857-5c27-458d-8b2a-7c1ac33ac92b Property P1065 not found, cannot determine the data type to use.